Deadline Extensions for Lobbying Filings Due to COVID-19
Jurisdictions across the country are postponing filing deadlines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For example, Illinois has extended the deadline for the lobbyist employer monthly expenditure report from May 20 to August 18. Connecticut has also extended the deadline for the monthly Client Lobbyist Financial Report from May 10 to July 10.
In March, New York extended the deadline for all lobbyist filings to April 15; however, at time of writing, the state has not announced further deadline extensions.
While not extending deadlines for all filers, the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) announced in an April 10 press release that it would consider documented obstacles to timely filing of lobbying reports due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a mitigating factor in decisions to bring enforcement actions.
These extended deadlines should not be used absent extenuating circumstances. The reports will all eventually be due, and accuracy is most likely when the reporting information is newest in mind. Further, filers should not assume that deadlines have or will be extended and should check with each jurisdiction.